I Have Been Injured By A Drunk Driver. What Should I Do?

A 2015 report on the website 247wallst.com named Austin the drunkest city in Texas, with the state’s highest excessive drinking rate. It’s not surprising that, in 2013, over a third of the motor vehicle crashes in Nueces County were alcohol-related. In 2013, there were 12 fatal alcohol-related traffic accidents in the county. Unfortunately, it is a fact of modern life that people drive after they have been drinking, creating a…

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Pedestrian accident statistics in Austin

Each year, the number of pedestrian accidents in Austin seems to be rising. While this is alarming for residents of the area, it appears to be a problem across the entire country as the population explodes and more vehicles are on the roads that ever before. Last year over 65,000 pedestrians across the United States were injured by vehicles, and only California and Florida has more statewide pedestrian accidents than…

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